I am a medical doctor, graduated in 2010 in the Czech Republic.

In recent years, I have worked mainly in acute neurology settings.

I have always been drawn to a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. I’ve always felt the urge to balance a scientific perspective with consideration for individual needs, self-awareness, and intuition.

Gradually, I realized my desire to share this holistic approach and my experience with others, extending beyond conventional medical practice.

I aim for my clients to enjoy a profoundly fulfilling quality of life.



I am a medical doctor, graduated in 2010 in the Czech Republic.

In recent years, I have worked mainly in acute neurology settings.

I have always been drawn to a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. I’ve always felt the urge to balance a scientific perspective with consideration for individual needs, self-awareness, and intuition.

Gradually, I realized my desire to share this holistic approach and my experience with others, extending beyond conventional medical practice.

I aim for my clients to enjoy a profoundly fulfilling quality of life.


My Story and My Mission


My initial specialization was in occupational medicine, where I achieved my Ph.D. degree. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching my students, and delving deeply into scientific topics.

Due to family and personal reasons, I relocated to another city. Since 2015, I have been working in the field of neurology, specifically in the bed department, and in recent years, almost exclusively in an acute setting.

I have always been drawn to a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Personally, I have studied, experimented with, and tested various diet, fitness, and healthy lifestyle approaches on myself. Throughout this journey, I have maintained a scientific perspective while also considering individual needs, self-awareness, and intuition.

All of these criteria came together for me during my studies in functional medicine, which I completed online at the Functional Medicine University in the USA. I continue to educate myself in this rapidly evolving system of medical thinking, and it brings me great fulfillment.

I am currently continuing my studies at the Institute of Functional Medicine and Nutrition (IFMV) here in the Czech Republic.

This holistic “style” has allowed me to blend the rigor of science with heartfelt intuition, serving as a reminder that in this wonderful and adventurous dance of life, health is not merely about treating symptoms but nurturing the whole, amazing, and miraculous human being – body, mind, soul, and spirit.

My message also emphasizes the importance of small steps on our journey to a healthy and balanced life.

Every small step matters! We don’t have to be overwhelmed by the thought of big goals or the significant changes we might see as necessary in our lives. We can start small and joyfully.

From these ideas also comes the name of my program – RE-In-Out Health, which represents the journey to re-tuning with oneself and one’s health (RE-In-Tune), discovering how to improve one’s health and what is needed for that, using modern, science-based methods (RE-Discover), and lastly, to the joy of all small and big successes (RE-Joice), which is one of the important fundamental principles.

Something about Me in a Few Points:


My own dietary approach: intermittent fasting (16/8), eating whole food, paleo anti-inflammatory diet.

Additionally, I have an intolerance to casein and gluten.

My exercise approach: all about Functional Movement in every aspect of that wide realm. Fairly recently, I have become very enthusiastic about Animal Flow.∗ 

My lifestyle commitment: to pursue big goals through small and big (starting small:o), straightforward, resilient, faithful, and enthusiastic steps while soaring high. Life is for living not in-a-box-spending…

My favourite colors: are displayed here on my website.

My favourite dish: fruits with raw cocoa powder, flaxseed, and walnuts – I’m not kidding. It’s delicious!

My favourite drink: coffee with fat – or „coffee smoothie“ – it’s also very tasty!:o) I drink it in the morning and late morning during the time when I’m otherwise fasting, as a part of my intermittent fasting protocol.

Some of My Certificates



How can I help you RE-Joice in your uniquely healthier lifestyle?