Functional Medicine


Functional medicine is a science-based, integrative, and holistic approach to health care, focusing on identifying and addressing the primary, often shared causes of diseases (e.g., inflammation, long-term stress and its effects, etc.). It views the human body as a connected system through not only physiological and pathophysiological processes, where imbalances in one area can affect the body’s overall state. It integrates scientifically-backed knowledge in the areas of nutrition, exercise, and stress management, along with modern diagnostic approaches and testing options. The goal is to support the entire body comprehensively and to strive long-term for its best possible functional state, regardless of the health issues, challenges, or problems being addressed.

The emphasis is on understanding the client’s overall lifestyle, genetics, and environment. Based on this information, personalized plans and recommendations are then created, including appropriate and targeted supplementation, if needed. This approach is highly detailed and holistic and requires the client’s active and motivated participation.

Functional medicine is, therefore, a complement and support to conventional medicine. It in no way opposes or competes with its principles or therapies.

On the contrary, it works hand in hand to support the client’s overall health throughout different stages of life.



A targeted approach to nutrition and potential supplementation, supported by scientific findings, has long been essential to me.

It is now well-documented that appropriate and targeted nutritional interventions and lifestyle modifications can significantly contribute, for example, to the balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory states in the body, the health of our gut and gut microbiome, optimal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and many other positive systemic changes. One aspect complements and conditions the other. The result is an improved quality of life and the opportunity to develop and live out one’s potential.

With the help of targeted and personalized testing, we can now obtain a wealth of valuable information about the long-term state of our internal environment – from the gut microbiome and the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids to relevant parts of our genetic information through modern DNA testing.

This way, we can objectively assess the condition of the body, set up necessary nutritional interventions, including personalized supplements, and significantly contribute to the optimal functioning of the body’s systemic functions.

I consider it very important to use clean natural products in combination with a modern scientific approach.

It is also crucial to learn more about your body – for example, how to perceive the signals it gives us, tune into them, discover them, and celebrate every positive change we achieve.

Functional Nutrition


Functional nutrition is an integral part of the holistic approach of functional medicine.

Nutrition itself constitutes a substantial portion of functional medicine treatment protocols and represents one of its most fundamental tools.

In the realm of functional nutrition, we now have a broad portfolio of tests that can be utilized (see the “Testing” section).

It’s not about strict, chart-based recommendations, but about creating a functional, personalized, sustainable, healthy, and also positive approach to diet and nutrition.

It may be worth noting that a „side effect“ of functional personalized nutrition, within the protocols of functional medicine, is often a reasonable loss of body weight.

One of my favorite topics in this regard is intermittent fasting, for which scientific evidence of its significant health benefits continues to grow. I have personally been practicing this eating style for some time now and am very satisfied with it.

As Hippocrates aptly said:

„Let food be your medicine…“



If you are interested in more information or scheduling a consultation, don’t hesitate to contact me.


For more information about functional medicine tests, click here.







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